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Fundraising for your school?

Then keep shopping with MyDeal on SchoolBuy!

MyDeal Logo

MyDeal is one of the great partner stores on SchoolBuy. This means that every time you shop online with MyDeal, you can fundraise for your school at the same time!

  • With every purchase, 4% will be contributed to your school
  • You get the best pricing and deals MyDeal is offering on their website
  • Together we can make a big difference!

Search for your school at the top of this page or search from the SchoolBuy homepage and then choose from over 200 other great partner stores to shop at!

MyDeal Description

MyDeal is an Australian retail marketplace, connecting shoppers with thousands of Aussie retailers which have been carefully selected to provide a positive experience for customers. The website offers over 300,000 products - from leading brands - at competitive prices. Their enormous range includes everything for the home, including: furniture, electronics, appliances, homewares, gardening equipment, tools, rugs and more. MyDeal also stocks products for kids and babies; pet supplies; health and beauty products; books; toys and games; sports and outdoor equipment; and so much more.

Please note: the contribution is 2% for existing customers. Also, there is no contribution for the purchase of gift cards or Apple products.