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Then keep shopping with Mobileciti on SchoolBuy!

Mobileciti Logo

Mobileciti is one of the great partner stores on SchoolBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Mobileciti, you can fundraise for your school at the same time!

  • With every purchase, 1% will be contributed to your school
  • You get the best pricing and deals Mobileciti is offering on their website
  • Together we can make a big difference!

Search for your school at the top of this page or search from the SchoolBuy homepage and then choose from over 200 other great partner stores to shop at!

Mobileciti Description

Mobileciti sells mobile phones, electronics and technology products including tablets, laptops, smart watches, wearables, cameras, drones, gadgets, accessories and more.  They also sell modems and networking solutions as well as everything you need for your smart home system. Mobileciti also has audio gear such as speakers, headphones and earbuds. They stock big name brands like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, OPPO, fitbit, Bose, Sony, Huawei, etc. alongside specialist electronic product manufacturers. With a wide range of products at competitive prices , you can shop with confidence knowing all items come with a manufacturer’s warranty.

Please note: the contribution is just half a percent if the transaction amount is more than $1000, if a coupon code is used or if the item purchased is an Apple product. Also, there is no contribution if a coupon code from another website is used.